[CVML] Martial Hebert: Using Geometric information in reconition and scene analysis
The last talk of the CVML summer school (yes, I'm starting from the back ;) was by Martial Hebert about using scene geometry for recognition and segmentation. His work focuses mainly on pictures of man-made environment but is not exclusive to it. Heberts talk was two hours long and spanned many of his past and recent work which I can not all repeat here. I will focus on some main messages and things I got from his presentation. One of the first works Hebert talked about was classifying regions of an image into "surface orientation" categories. These categories are roughly "ground plane", "sky", "vertical facing right", "vertical facing left", "vertical facing camera". I had seen several works in this direction but never found them to be very interesting. "Why this task?" is what I was always asking myself - I never quite understood the motivation. In his talk, Hebert made the motivation very clear: This i...