CVML summer school 2011

Thanks to my institute and the B-IT, I can attend the CVML Summer school organised by ENS and INRIA in Pairs.
It started on Monday and features many great speakers, for example Jitendra Malik, Cordelia Schmid, Andrew Zisserman, Jean Ponce and may others.

I was pretty busy with the program until now but I hope I'll find some time to write about all the great lectures here.
The lectures at the beginning of the week were about standard topics like Francis Bach's tutorial on SVMs and kernel methods and Cordelia Schmid's and Josef Sivic's introduction to interest points, features and visual words.
During the week talks ranged from details about current state of the art in object recognition and large scale learning to bigger picture talks and directions for future research.
Many of the professors put their slides online. I definitely suggest to have a look at those. Hopefully I have the time to write about all of the talks but I doubt it a little.


  1. Hi Andreas,
    looking forward to your posts about the lectures!
    It seems all the slides are now available from here:

  2. Thanks Roman.
    Yeah, they are all up. If I find the time they might freshen up my memory ;)
    There were just so many great talks. Hope I manage to write something down tomorrow...


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